martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

La Sabiduría

El conocimiento es una medida de cantidad, la sabiduría es un índice de aprovechamiento.

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008

Esperando midiendo

Esperar es una forma de medir el tiempo, pero con unidades enormes.

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008

Why is my blog not popular?

Because I'm kinda happy right now. Depressed people don't wanna get happy.

I need a dramatic blog with b&w pictures of a naked woman crying in bed with lots of make up on; and sexualy charged poems about suicide in scarlet letters against a dark background.

What was I thinking? A happy blog....

Nobody needs me...

There you go, there's your drama... Fuck you.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

High Hopes

There comes a time when darkness falls like a veil in front of your eyes. When dependence and adiction prove to be more than toxicology subjects. When the best for you is what hurts the most, but like a band-aid.
Cought any clouds latetly? Did't think so. Maybe I was right, maybe you have to work with what you got, like I said. Maybe the secret to catch a cloud, is to not need a cloud in the first place, just like anything else. Doesn't everything start from within?

So, afront everything as a man and not half a man.You'll be alright. You'll do fine. It's all going to be OK. Listen to me, I'ts all going to be just fine.

I don't know much of anything, but I know this: Aim high, with high hopes.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

A great tip!

Time changes everything

Time changes everything, even truths. But in the end, when there's nobody else around, you got to be you. Just then, get real, be honest. What's wrong? Is time naturally changing you or are you letting yourself to be changed by people, circumstances or bad habits? Time changes everything for good. About that, it's all been said. But, what about you? What's your part in change?